The REVEL Project
Research and Education: Volcanoes, Exploration and Life
The essence of the REVEL Project is the interaction of science teachers hungry for opportunities to engage in "doing" science and scientists pursuing cutting-edge ocean research.
REVEL explores the relationship between plate tectonics processes and life, using this central concept to entrain teachers and their classes in today's scientific quest. Selected science teachers participate in seagoing research expeditions as formal members of a seagoing science team thus providing our children with the experience of active scientific inquiry.
REVEL 2005
This year, the REVEL Project selected 4 science teachers and 1 seagoing mentor. Coming from the states of Georgia, Idaho, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and New York, these REVELers will contribute to the goals of the VISIONS'05 expedition and bring the Pacific Ocean to students and the public from coast to coast including land-locked states.
REVELers will continue to collaborate with scientists and colleagues during the school year to share their extraordinary sea-going, and research experiences with as many as students as possible. Through REVEL they become ambassadors of inquiry-based science by bringing cutting-edge oceanographic research into their schools and by designing and implementing workshops for teachers at local, regional, and national education conferences. In addition, they organize events to reach local communities and the public about the importance of oceans to the quality of life of all on planet Earth.
Director’s Note Véronique Robigou
With the word "ocean" our imagination opens up on a blue, shimmering, and mysterious immensity... One reminisces childhood dreams of adventures, pirates, and deep-sea creatures... Liquid marvel, habitat of blue whales, haven for heat-loving bacteria, cradle of phantasms, battlefield, sport arena, and source of inspiration, the ocean fascinates sailors, poets, scientists and adventurers. And the realm of the deep darkness enchants all despite the human fear of the unknown.
With REVEL you are invited to a journey of exploration in the depths of the Pacific Ocean through research and learning: a unique program, a unique environment, a unique experience.
As a life-long learner, you will collaborate with intense people like yourself and enjoy deep emotion while studying the ocean. Participants describe the REVEL Project as "life altering". For nine years, workshops, lectures, research projects and sea-going adventures held between the shadow of the Cascade mountains and the depth of underwater volcanoes of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, have immersed teachers in rigorous, practical and theoretical approaches to the craft of the scientific process. REVEL brings together a passionate community of scientists, educators and seagoing professionals, eager to push the boundaries of learning. Through the practice of interdisciplinary ocean research, REVEL explores new ways to engage the next generations in the oceanographic challenges on which life on our planet depends.
Join the thrill of sea-going research. Revel in the beauty of the ocean. No one who has done so has failed to be surprised, inspired, or transformed by this oceanographic experience.
Meet the 2005 REVELers