Name: Véronique Robigou
Description: Véronique is director of the REVEL Project , a nationally-recognized professional development program for K-12 teachers that believe in teaching science by learning through doing science. This year, REVEL partners with the VISIONS’05 expedition to offer educators an exceptional, sea-going, research experience that will support their inquiry-based teaching approaches. While teachers practice “doing science” alongside scientists in the field, students will follow their teachers’ adventures, communicate with them and practice their own research in the classroom bringing ocean sciences throughout the nation.

Véronique is a marine geologist who specialized in seafloor geological mapping associated with hydrothermal systems. She has contributed to over 20 sea-going research cruises using manned submersibles including Alvin, and remotely operated vehicles Jason, Jason 2 and ROPOS. She will join this cruise on September 16 with five educators from Georgia, Idaho, New York, Oregon and Pennsylvania. While at sea, she will facilitate the integration of educators into the research process, and provide her geological expertise of the seafloor of the Endeavour Segment. In addition, she looks forward to communicating the excitement and challenges of research in deep, extreme environments to a wide audience through the Internet and High Definition broadcasts from the seafloor.